Slept untill 13.00, bought birthdaypresent(candles) for Melissa and a bikelock for me, then went to Manhattan, walked around a lot, then back home again. Celebrated Melissa her birthday with Richard and his boyfriend (by playing Mariokarts and music :))

Market on 6th

Nice traffic sign :)


Had a meeting with the entire AI-group, with some presentations of the things the others are busy with right now and a slideshow of pictures of their visit to Japan by Simon and Betsy :) Tried to find some papers, then went home to take my bike on the subway to Union Square for Critical Mass (once a month they try to gather enough bicycles to stop other traffic while cycling through Manhattan). Because I arived early, tried to buy a lock for my bike, didn't succeed because the bikeshop closed early.. I did manage to grab a burger and a drink before the group got on the way, but only 5 minutes after turning on 6th Avenue, the police came and dispersed the group, And arrested some people (luckely, I wasn't one of them :)). Went back to Union Square to meet up with other cyclists who heard the group would rejoin at Columbia Circle, but when we got there, the police already there too, so Meghan (with whom I rode to Columbia Circle) asked me to have a drink at a bar at St Marksstreet. We drank and talked (also with the bartender who was a friend of hers) untill 0.30 then rode across the Manhattan bridge to Brooklyn, where I took the subway home.

Start of Cricital Mass, a pro-bicycle-demonstration

At Critical Mass I met Meghan, who took me to a bar with bartender Jarrett (?). After having a drink we rode back to Brooklyn.

My view while waiting for the D at 1.30 a.m :)


Talked with Simon and Betsy about what I will be doing: Currently there is a 2D "search and rescue"-simulation in Netlogo, which can be used to compare the performance of multiagentssystems parameters different levels of obstruction and different levels of static/mobile agents. I'm going to search for other studies on the influence of there parameters, adjust the simulation, do measurements of my own, and compare those to those of other studies....And besides that I'll be looking at another big simulation project and see if the 2 can be joined... Going to send 2 page proposal to Marco next week...


BC, and had an e-mail from Marco Wiering: He's okay with helping us, now we (Simon, Betsy, Marco and me) can determine the subject of my thesis :)


No BC; went over to MTA-office to pay my fine. Played videogames at home for chores and ended up having to do nothing this week :)


Talked with Simon about the subject of my thesis, sent an email to Marco Wiering wether I wants to be my "interne begeleider" at the UU :) Had another phonecall with Rianne, played videogames and had a long talk with roommates at home

my roommates Melissa and Richard


Spent most of the day chatting with people at home, also cleaned the kitchen,bathroom and the stairs, and did my laundry.