Luckily Melissa has a bike we can lent, so Rianne and I had 2 bikes to take to Central Parc by subway. Made 2 big rounds through central parc, and also relaxed a bit while reading and watching baseball. Then ate some pizza before heading home.


Played beachball on Coney Island Beach and watched far away fireworks from shore nearby and then some TV at home.


Riannes bag finally arrived today and it contained all the stuff she put in there, so now she has her own clothes again :-) After unpacking we went to BC together, so I could show her the campus and she could do some work (grading papers). Too bad the internetconnection stopped working, so we had to go and work at home. Made holiday diner before heading for parkslope to have drinks with Meghan.


BC, diner with molten chocolate cake as desert, saw superman at 34th street.


Rianne and Melissa both needed to buy a new bathing suit, so we went shopping on 5th ave (brooklyn). Then had an all american 4th of the July bbq at Melissa her parents neighbours house. And although we we're a little bit too late to be on the Brooklyn promenade (it was really crowded!!) we managed to see the fireworks through the trees anyway :)


After BC we met at Columbus circle to hang out in Central Parc. After eating at McDonalds we wanted to see some comedy thing, but the bar was closed so we ended up talking and drinking in the Village.


First we bought some new clothes for Rianne at 86th street, then took the bus to Coney Island, enjoyed ourselves on the beach (tried our new plastic beachballset, but turned out it isn't really usable when there is any wind..). Decided to stay home this evening because of the rain (which started while we were buying stuff for Rianne her salad :))