After finding out the status of Rianne her backpack was downgraded from "in Milan" to "Unknown", we went to Times Square (huge lego buildings in Toys 'r Us), walked from there to Central Parc to chill a while. Took subway (with some detours because of weekend schedules) to ground zero and walked along the waterline to the ferry to Staten Island. After the ferry ate some mexican food at Union Square before heading home.


Picked up Rianne from the airport, who arrived without her backpack (she waited for more than an hour). The Delta airline guy at the service desk said it was in Milan and would be delivered at my place tomorrow. So instead of first going home and dropping of her bags we went straight to manhattan for food (one of the first movies we saw together was When Harry Met Sally...) and ice cream :)


Bought welcome presents for Rianne and had a nice big slice at Rays.


Had a coffee with Elisabeth at Starbucks and had a chat with her about the progress of my thesis and life in general.


Did laundry (exciting stuff kids!)


I watched the cardfest against Portugal at home, by the time i went to Manhattan the pride march was already over, but the pridefestival was still going on.