Tried and failed to sell my guitar, so ended up leaving it in my room. Got a ride from Melissa (who needed to drive the kids to sleep). Had to check in one piece of handluggage (stupid woman) and had to turn in a bottle of fragrance (stupid guy), but i made my flight and it seemed on time....


Removed and backuped all the personal stuff from my laptop and brought it to BC. after my last diner at home went to manhattan to buy gifts for the homefront. Hung out with Roos and said goodbye at 4 a.m..


Went to BC to say goodbye to everyone (only Valerie was there tho), and met with Roos in the evening


Had drinks with meghan (and her friend silverman) and diner at a mexican place in Park Slope.. for the final time.


Met with Betsy at the Grad Center (which is in Manhattan, close to the Empire State building.. we had lunch with a view of it through the glass roof) to discuss how I will continue working on the experiment when i'm home. After lying down in Central Parc (probably for the last time) went home to spent some time with my roommates.


BC, playde some basketball and cycled up and down the path along the shore.


relaxing day, watched half of 25th hour